Projects & Activities
Catalysing Sydney Commons Lab - building an ecosystem to progress common good intiatives.
InCollaboration is the lead catalysing organisation for the Sydney Commons Lab which aims to progress community-led and community-owned initiatives for the common good. Learn more

Curating and hosting events for the common good
InCollaboration has hosted a number of events in bringing together international speakers and representatives from government, cooperatives, not-for-profit and social enterprise sectors. Learn more.

Relationship-building, promotion and network development for an ecologically healthy and socially just economy
InCollaboration promoted and undertook network development in the founding year of New Economy Network Australia (NENA). NENA supports the work of individuals and organisations around Australia, who want to build a new economic system that’s ecologically healthy and socially just.

Researching and identifying collaborators to support small community and social sector organisations
Small and local organisations as independent entities have an important role for community building. InCollaboration is identifying models, practice and collaborators - small and large community, government and business organisations - to support collaborative approaches for sustainability, innovation and impact of small community organisations, cooperatives and social enterprises.

Supporting a local organisation in building
community resilience and environmental sustainability
Assisting a local organisation in strategy development and capacity building to strengthen community resilience, social inclusion and environmental sustainability.
This involves recognising and building on the assets and strengths of the organisation and its community. It also involves connecting with new partners to bring forward additional skills and resources.

Co-designing cultural change strategies for the the Age Of Humans
InCollaboration has been a contributor and participant to Anthropocene Transitions, which undertakes inquiry and design of strategies for cultural change. The Anthropocene (Age of Humans) indicates we have arrived at a new era, no longer predictably conducive for human development. The era has been brought on by humans' unsustainable use of earth's resources and recognises that humans beings are now the greatest driver of planetary change.
Supporting a regional peak body to create & implement its communication strategy
Developed the case for action for implementation of a communications strategy in the context of the overall strategic plan for a regional peak body. InCollaboration has provided design and project management support to the team through a website development and implementation process.
Facilitation for a merger of 3 small not-for-profits
Supported the Executive of three small community organisations in development of a case for action for a proposed merger. Liaised with board members to support their evaluation and decision-making. We engaged other specialists, provided guidance on the merger process and organised legal advice.